Donnerstag, 21. Juli 2016

Oxford Digital Limited announces first licensee for Microchip’s JukeBlox

Oxford Digital Limited announces first licensee for Microchip’s JukeBlox® DSP
 Audio specialist Oxford Digital Limited (Oxford Digital) today announced that Hansong Technology, a leading electronics design house and manufacturer based in Nanjing, China, is the first commercial licensee for Oxford Digital’s FixFx sonic tuning tool on Microchip Technology’s JukeBlox® platform.
Oxford Digital’s FixFx tuning tool incorporates a proven configuration of audio DSP effects that enables limitations in a consumer audio product’s acoustic performance to be overcome to provide a clear and natural sound with extended low-frequency performance and sophisticated dynamic-range control, amongst other audio effects. Featuring sound processing and audio enhancement effects derived from Oxford Digital’s pro-audio heritage and an intuitive single GUI for all controls, FixFx delivers exceptional sound quality whilst providing minimum time to market.
Oxford Digital and Microchip have collaborated to provide the FixFx tool on Microchip’s JukeBlox® platform as JB® DSP, which runs inside Microchip’s DM860A and DM870A Network Media Processor SOCs, thus eliminating the need for an external DSP chip.
Hansong Technology, a licensed JukeBlox ODM design partner, has created a reference design for the JukeBlox® SOCs that is now widely deployed in commercial products as well as in the “MK 2” system board. This solution is based on the fully integrated reference design taking advantage of the JB Host and JB DSP JukeBlox features, thus eliminating the need for external host controller and DSP, and enabling mainstream price points for new network connected products. 
Microchip’s JukeBlox technology connects tablets, smartphones, PCs, Macs and other consumer electronics products via Wi-Fi® to a new world of audio entertainment. With the industry's only system-on-a-chip (SoC) and Software Design Kit (SDK) for networked audio, Microchip is making the connected home a reality and enabling consumers to access their local or cloud-based music content and services from any device and from any room in the home.
Helge Kristensen, Vice President of Hansong Technology said, “Our new JukeBlox® platform-based reference design is highly integrated and provides critical BOM cost savings by carrying out all the audio processing required to provide optimum sonic performance within Microchip’s JukeBlox chipset, thus eliminating an external DSP and host CPU. The integration of Oxford Digital’s FixFx sonic tuning algorithms running on a JukeBlox processor has provided a fast and easy to way to optimise audio enhancements and sound processing at reduced cost.”
John Richards, CEO of Oxford Digital, said, “We are excited to be working with Hansong, one of the leading and most respected design houses and manufacturers in China. Their team was able to perform tunings easily without any input from Oxford Digital – a true testament to the ease of use of the system.”
About Oxford Digital Limited:
Oxford Digital Limited span out of Sony Corporation’s Pro-Audio Lab, Oxford in 2006 as an innovative technology company providing IP solutions to major international organisations. Oxford Digital specialises in digital audio signal processing for the mobile and consumer equipment sectors. 
Amongst the items in Oxford Digital’s technology portfolio is a complete end-to-end solution for audio processing for semiconductor manufacturers. This solution includes the extremely compact audio DSP TinyCore which ships in millions of chips each month, an award-winning rapid programming and development environment (or direct implementation of fully optimised embedded code from MatLab Simulink simulations), audio effects and sonic tuning tools that allow extremely fast optimisation of the sonic performance of Consumer Electronics equipment. Recent awards include the British Engineering Excellence Award for Product of the Year ( ) and the National Microelectronics Institute Award for Innovation (
For more information about Oxford Digital Limited, please visit:
About Hansong Technology:
Hansong Technology is a leading OEM/ODM manufacturer of high quality audio and video products. Hansong Technologies focuses its resources on: Hi-Fi products, Pro Audio products, Architectural Audio and Video and Commercial Audio. Product categories include amplification, DVD players, tuners, internet radios, wireless surround bar, airplay-bluetooth-DLNA speaker systems, portable radio, and AVR/processors. 
Over the last 14 Years Hansong Technology has established itself as a quality manufacturer with a strong commitment to its partners. Headquartered in Nanjing, Jiangsu province China, Hansong Technology has more than 90 research and development engineers on staff. 
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Binäre Optionen Handel

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